Thursday, August 17, 2017

Update 2017

Well, im still here though. I just really havent found time and the words to put in here. Maybe.

But anyways, things have been going okay i guess. im still working at my friends' hobby shop. we went through/are going trhough a rough patch but im hopeful thing'sll turn around. people prolly thought about why im still there despite such things. well, i love being there despite stuff.

Unfortunately, i managed to get kidney stones a few weeks back and it was freaking upsetting and hard to go through. Add to the fact that i also found out that my blood sugar is TWICE than normal. So new medicine to take and new list of things not to/avoid to eat. As of today though, it has been well. i havent had a hard time that concerns with the kidney stones and i feel like my blood sugar is back on the level. Hopefully. I do dislike taking tests because im afraid of the results. But i do need to undergo them to know if im clear.

Also, im happy to say that i found someone or she found me...maybe..i think haha. But well, things have been going well with her and im glad. I thought ill be alone for a long time. But life really do surprise at times. This time it was a happy one which was good. Ive had it with sad surprises.