Sunday, September 6, 2020

A proper and longer update..I guess?

 Well, its been awhile. Even though it's been at least two years since I last posted, things has been more of the same to be honest.

Welcome back

I always had a lot of things in my mind that I wanted to post here but every time I do, it just doesnt come out the way I wanted it.  I cant properly convey it so most of the time, itll be just drafts. I actually made a page on facebook page too convey my thoughts and feelings as of late. I havent shared it on my profile tho or asked people to like it. Its just mainly a place to vent out anyways. Id be surprised if someone I know would find it.

Busy busy busy.

I managed to find work..or rather it found me. A week after "leaving" the old figure hobby shop, the manager of the place where we were taking space in contacted and asked if I could come in and help manage the place in his stead (he will be accepting a job his friend offered). To be honest, I was patiently waiting for him to contact me as we had talked about it in a way a few months prior. I was pretty happy and relieved when I got word. I mean, after a week, I was beginning to worry. After meeting up, we talked about alot of things shop related and unlike previously, I was given the proper title of store manager and it was surreal to me at first. I didnt expect that i'd become a manager of anything at all... ever. It was a bit daunting at first but it wasnt really different from the last job. I got the hang of things as days went by..well eventually. I mean, Im still a bit of a klutz sometimes but the owner and shop regulars were there to help out which was a blessing. There were slow days but there were days were the shop was packed with people that I had to take in multiple responsibilities all at once which was tiring but I always find it nice that the shop was full of people enjoying themselves.

Ive also met alot of new people mostly thru customer relations via board or card game. There was this kid (his name was RJ) that visited with his mom or dad or aunt  (along with his yaya and driver) to play Magic the Gathering or join in one of the regular D&D sessions that was there at the time. He was an only child and since his parents were busy (both were doctors) he cant really frequent the shop much by himself. I usually drop what Im doing to play with him when he visits but I "delegate" some of the regulars to play with him and hangout with him when its really he gets more friends that way.

Its a mixture of good, bad, and dull days ...there are even times that all those happen in just a day!  But thats fine as its par for the course. Things have been going well until the pandemic happened.

Stranger Days

Before the first lockdown was implemented in the city where I lived, the shop had its first customer run MtG tournament and prolly its last tournament in awhile. I joined in but didnt break through the Top 10 (which was fine) but I got awesome consolation prizes. We (me and the owner) planed to follow the lockdown and wanted to open a bit early than the lockdown expiry but things just happened one thing after another and snowballed from there. We have been closed since that day (March 15) and it doesnt seem like we'll be able to open soon as gatherings has been banned which is sad because people coming and gathering to hangout and play is the lifeblood of the shop. Altho its perfectly understandable as its all part to flatten the curve and keep everyone safe and healthy.

I havent really gotten the chance to go out on my own but I couldnt if I want to as transportation has seemingly grinded to a halt where I live plus with all the passes and rules thats been mandated. Plus I am also immunocompromised as well. Ive gone out with my older brother twice though. Both for grocery shopping which I missed doing so much). I also got a haircut during once of those times. 

I dont mind staying home much as long as theres internet. I was also gifted a PS4 at the start of the year and it has certainly help with easing my morale and boredom. These times are certainly different because before, when I got bored, I was able to go out and hangout with my friends of just go somewhere. During these times, its pretty much hard to do so and that intensifies the feeling of lonesomeness a bit and Ive gotten pretty lonely at times but theres nothing I can do about it unfortunately. Im also afraid of going out because I am afraid that I might catch it and I have a feeling that if I did, it'll suck so bad.

There have been a few surprises here and there during the past few months but for me, it was receiving an email from someone unexpected. It was also a weird coincidence because she was in my dreams the night before and I havent seen her in my dreams in a long while too.  The email just mentioned that shes read it and I asked for clarification and it seems that shes read and has been reading everything since. That comes as a surprise as I thought that she just read them on a whim or she was bored (altho she did mention reading them because she couldnt sleep). I didnt really think that she'd be in contact with me ever again. Im still wondering whether or not what she read had any weight or was there need to talk about them but I also realized that it was all in the past and it wont change a thing. I dont really mind talking to her again. Rather it was nice being able to after all this time. Ive talked about this to my closest friends (all 3 of them lol) and its got them rather worried. I understand their concern and I told them it wasnt anything to worry about. Nothing has changed except that were exchanging replies once in awhile. Im fine with that. I dunno if shes going to keep reading, I dont mind if she does. Its boring content anyways lol

To be honest, I didnt think this whole was going to last this long. Im seriously disappointed as to how my government have and is currently handling this crisis. It has also been infuriating how they (gov't.) is keen to focus on other issues. Im sure im not alone on this and I do hope that the people remember these feelings when the voting season comes along. I know I will.

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