Saturday, July 16, 2022

Family Reunion

 Mum and my younger siblings are actually on their way back home to the US at the time of this writing. Their trip here lasted almost a month. There were days that went by so slow but there were also days were things were happening so fast. It still feels like the time each other was too short.

The whole thing was just a little dream we all talked about a couple of years ago. They went here for vacation in 2019, before covid hit so we were all lucky. I guess we all wanted a vacation during the whole lockdown "era". It started with a few ideas between my Mum and Younger sister. My older brother would chime in once in awhile. It was fun to be able to think of places to go. A trip to japan was also being thrown around with each of us just going and meeting up there since it was made clear that getting a US visa was going to be hard AND pricey. I didn't really think that it would push through but things happened and suddenly the whole trip seemed so viable. I think it was around the start of 2021 when things got real and things sort of got finalized and then Mum started asking us (the older siblings) if there were things we wanted which theyll bring. After a seemingly long time, arrival dates were given and all we had to do was wait.

Me and my older bro had a month to finalize things at home which was basically general cleaning and who sleeps in what room. It was totally a chore but we managed to do it. At the time, I still couldnt believe that from years to months, to weeks and then it was only days before we see the rest of the family again. I was pretty much excited as everyone else.

My younger sister arrived two weeks before Mum and the younger siblings but stayed with the in-laws for those two weeks. They then came home on the day Mum and the rest also arrived. Coincidentally, the arrival date from 2019 was also the same for this year.

From there we went everywhere we can. We had planned alot of trips that we were able to squeeze in. I'm thankful I was free (the shop is still closed at this moment) for this because the last time, I couldnt go to some of the trips due to work and I regretted it. I tried to go to all the trips this time around. We had a few misadventures along the way but it was still good. I regret not being able to properly bond and talk to Mum and my younger siblings and that some of the things I wanted to do with my younger siblings (like a drinking session) didnt really fall through. I did what I can though and I hope that that was enough.

I thought about how were lucky to be able to have this during these times. It was hard enough with the pandemic but being able to have the family all together again was something what we all needed.

The house was full and alive during these past few weeks that everyone's gone back. It feels so quiet and empty. That empty feeling was also heavy within me. Even if it was a short time, it was pretty hard be home with just me and my older bro again. This time around was more hard for me. Ive been a bit emotional during the whole pandemic and ..the "separation anxiety" just added to things and..its pretty hard when youve got no one to talk to about it. Theres nothing I can do about it as it has been like this for awhile. I let things be and try to cope. 

I do hope Mum and the sibs got to enjoy their trip this time. Hope they would be able to return again when they can.

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